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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Transmogrification for the DK

Deadknight alt Judgement set
I've been thinking about what to get for my DK once patch 4.3 hits.
I was thinking about getting a judgement set recolored.
Imo it looks pretty cool on a tauren

All of the items in the Judgement recolor set are from level 70 normal and heroic dungeons. The farming process is easily soloable by a level 85 character, but it is potentially very time consuming to gather the entire set, due to daily heroic lockouts.

HeadMask of Penance (BoP from Mekgineer Steamrigger in Normal and Heroic Steamvault, at a 22% drop rate)

ShouldersJustice Bearer’s Pauldrons (BoP from Omor the Unscarred in Heroic Ramparts at a 16% drop rate)

ChestBreastplate of Many Graces (BoP from Grandmaster Vorpil in Normal and Heroic Shadow Labyrinth, at a 17% drop rate)

WristsVirtue Bearer’s Vambraces (BoP from Broggok in Heroic Blood Furnace, at a 20% drop rate)

GlovesLife Bearer’s Gauntlets (BoP from the Reinforced Fel Iron Chest in Heroic Ramparts, after defeating Nazan and Vazruden, at a 20% drop rate)

WaistGirdle of Many Blessings (BoP from Rokmar the Crackler in Heroic Slave Pens, at a 16% drop rate)

LegsCassock of the Loyal (BoP from Hungarfen in Heroic Underbog, at a 15% drop rate)

FeetBoots of the Watchful Heart (BoP from Captain Skarloc in Heroic Old Hillsbrad Foothills, at a 16% drop rate)

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