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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

This week in World of Warcraft 06/10/15


Seagulls (my guild) progressed on Iron Reaver and eventually we killed him on Sunday.
Today, the guild killed Kom'rogg as well, placing us as 3/13 Mythic!
Unfortunately no killshots.

I've also gotten quite some upgrades for death knight, Curs, during the raids:
- Girdle of Demonic Wrath 
- Contained Fel Orb Locket  (OS)
- Demongaze Pauldrons 
- Void Lord's Wizened Cloak  (OS)
- Fiendsbreath Warmace 
- Flanged Gasket 
- Blastproof Legguards 

I've racechanged my warrior Cursek from bloodelf to tauren. Yay for massive swordwielding for fury.

I've bought the Reins of the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent  for 35k, a drop from Alani. One more for the collection :-)

Argent Dawn

After reading several threads on reddit about a better community and a more lively world on RP realms, I've decided to create an alt on such server.
I started a new death knight, called Curseh, on Argent Dawn,  She is level 62 so far.
I've joined up an big (active) guild called The Cenarion Heroes, however I've yet to join in on one of the RP events. I might even be a bit to low on that.

I want to start listing my earnings per week howeverI forgot to take a screenshot from Accountant this week.

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