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Saturday, December 24, 2011

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (27/12/11)

Finally SWTOR is released. All set last tuesday to play, 30-45 min queue, got in ... And on character creation disconnected... Another 30 min queue later I finally get to play. I decided to play on The Ravager server.

Character creation of Curs my Sith Inquisitor:
Character Creation
Details are on the right. Handy if I want to recreate the same character.

Small overview of how I progressed.

On my first day I got Khem Val with me and got to level 10. Since I did this already twice on beta it went pretty fast I actually fast forwarded some of the conversations.

I reached level 15, going through Dromund Kaas pretty quickly, since I've done most of that as well.

Level 18 and  i got a Fury starship now in the Hangar. I got R2V8 to do some profession related stuff.
I tried out his healing but he does kinda suck at it. It's best to let him stick to the crafting/missions.

I've reached 21. I started on Nar Shaddaa after this
My arrival at Nar Shaddaa
Level 24 now and I've mostly been focusing on the class quest in order to get the 3rd companion.
Although at first sight he doesn't seem all that useful to me now, while leveling. He's just a ranged dps leaving me to tank. So I quickly had Khem running with me again. He is the romance companion for my class/gender. So it's going to be mostly with gifts I suppose.

28 now, nearing the end of the class story. It's really exciting.

Today I got to the end of chapter one, goodbye Zash! evil b*tch ;-).
This gives me a chance to choose my legacy name, I went with Raivo, it's Finnish for fury. I thought it had a nice ring to it.
I ended up being 31 by the end of the first week.

Flying around on Alderaan

I'm writing this during the maintenance of SWTOR. There is currently no ETA so I don't know if I'll be playing tonight

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