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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Around the Galaxy 7 - Nature on Quesh

A nice big tree on Quesh

Saturday, January 28, 2012

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (28/01/12)

Another week (and a half) flew by...
Mainly did some pvp on my Assassin, Ilum can be really fun if there is enough Republics present.
A nice batch of valor make you level up faster to rank 60 :-).

If no-one is there it's kinda boring just collecting armaments and camping their base exit.

While PVP-ing i had plenty of time to switch my professions to Biochemistry, Bio-analysis and Diplomacy.
All but Diplomacy are now leveled to 400 and I got the special stim that's reusable.
I'm trying to get into more hardmode groups for more of the crafting material so I can craft the Adrenal and the Medpac.
Leveling Diplomacy (385) got me to Dark V as well, I might be buying the Dark V mount soon then.
Khem Val at work

In the past week I did one Operation where a new belt. We also tried the Towers of Hannoy boss. We were unable to kill him though that night.

I leveled my agent a bit, got to level 17. She now has her own spaceship.
Need to start on Balmorra now.

Together with a friend, Hazeel, I've started leveling my mercenary. We are level 19 at the moment.
We did some questing on Balmorra already.
With this character having her ship as well, I now got a look at all the Empire spaceships.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (19/01/12)

Hello again,

It's been a bit longer than usual since my last post.

I've done quite some pvp, the pvp dailies really encourage you to do them, especially if you're a bit lucky with the bags. And I kinda was ;-).
They changed Ilum for the worse yesterday with the patch. Before it was just win trading, now its a simple valor farm in the rep's base.
Anyway tonight the servers are down again (during European prime time...) in order to most likely fix this.
Ilum patch 1.1 Release

I've dropped my crew skills (Scavenging, Cybertech, Underworld trading) and switched them for Biochem, Bio-analysis and Diplomacy.
I found Cybertech to useless in it's current state so I decided to switch to something I can use the whole time (adrenals and med packs).
Although Biochem got nerfed I still think its quite useful.

Last week, Tuesday, I did my first operation went rather smooth we cleared most of Eternity Vault and The Hutt's palace.
And finished of SOA on Sunday. This boss is quite bugged, it should be fixed in latest patch (1.1) but I haven't tried since.
The White Rose group 2 in front of SOA

I've started a couple of alts. I talked last time about the Kirous, the Operative.
Now I've added Curse, the Marauder and Cursem, the Mercenary.
Pictures below, I don't have a screenshot yet from Curs.
Kirous, the Operative (middle), with someone who kinda looks identical

Cursem, Mercenary

Around the Galaxy 4 - Force walking in the Dark Temple (Dromund Kaas)

My Inquisitor Curs training Forcewalking in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas

Monday, January 9, 2012

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (09/01/12)

Below the weekly overview of the past week. I got to 50 on Saturday so basically 3 RL weeks of leveling

43 finishing off quests on Belsavis.
The story quest of the planet was really cool, you get to free some bad-ass sith dreadmasters.
Once you freed them you get to see them (in a cinematic) in action.
To bad they don't teach you anything though.

Inquisitor on Belsavis (Special mind room)

The Voss planet is next. They are enormously religious.
It has some cool stuff with dreams and nightmares.
I got to level 44.

Got to level 46, strong enough to finish the dream part of the class quest and after that a quick call from Korriban saying my new companion Xalek is ready to join the crew.

The Dreams on Voss

Today I only got to 47. I didn't have that much time to play.

Level 49, now tomorrow I'm finishing it.

Hooray finally 50. I didn't have enough quests to get to 50 on Correlia though. So I pvped a bit till 50.
With Thanathon dead I'm now a member of the Dark Council.

On Sunday I mainly did pvp (warzones + Ilum).
Also did The boarding party flashpoint solo to complete some quests. It's really easy at 50. You don't even need to have the healing companion out the whole time.
I've also started a new character, Kirous, She's an Operative. Got her to level 12. I'll add a screenshot next week.

The Boarding Party

Monday, January 2, 2012

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (02/01/12)

First of all my best wishes for the new year.

An overview of the past week

Due to the the maintance I didn't have that much time
I didn't know where to go at first. Turns out after some quests to Taris. I picked up a new skin here for Khem Val, Customization 10, He's a bit whiter now (than the security key version), still has armor. Too bad they didn't make an armor version of the green one.
I got to level 32 on Tuesday.

On Wednesday I got to level 33, I focused some more PVP today. I kinda had to because I was going to fast in terms of quests.
I got to pick up my real apprentice here, a young padawan. I got to turn her ^^.
(Unfortunately) I still have to use Khem, I really need a tank with me.

I reached level 35. For once I did some group quests on Taris.

A new planet, Hoth, seems rather cold. I reached level 37 there on Friday.

Another one to join me (companion), An archaeologist who can heal, he seems nice. But it feels he does low DPS making Khem still the better companion for me.
Another change of scenery and I went to Quesh, I finished this planet in one day, It was rather small though.
Did have a nice landscape.
I got to level 39 on the last day of the year.

Due to family occupations I didn't get to play much on Sunday I only got to 40. This does mean I get my top tier talent, Voltaic Slash, seems a nice replacement for Trash.

Meeting with the Crew (my companions)