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Thursday, January 19, 2012

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (19/01/12)

Hello again,

It's been a bit longer than usual since my last post.

I've done quite some pvp, the pvp dailies really encourage you to do them, especially if you're a bit lucky with the bags. And I kinda was ;-).
They changed Ilum for the worse yesterday with the patch. Before it was just win trading, now its a simple valor farm in the rep's base.
Anyway tonight the servers are down again (during European prime time...) in order to most likely fix this.
Ilum patch 1.1 Release

I've dropped my crew skills (Scavenging, Cybertech, Underworld trading) and switched them for Biochem, Bio-analysis and Diplomacy.
I found Cybertech to useless in it's current state so I decided to switch to something I can use the whole time (adrenals and med packs).
Although Biochem got nerfed I still think its quite useful.

Last week, Tuesday, I did my first operation went rather smooth we cleared most of Eternity Vault and The Hutt's palace.
And finished of SOA on Sunday. This boss is quite bugged, it should be fixed in latest patch (1.1) but I haven't tried since.
The White Rose group 2 in front of SOA

I've started a couple of alts. I talked last time about the Kirous, the Operative.
Now I've added Curse, the Marauder and Cursem, the Mercenary.
Pictures below, I don't have a screenshot yet from Curs.
Kirous, the Operative (middle), with someone who kinda looks identical

Cursem, Mercenary

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