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Saturday, January 28, 2012

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (28/01/12)

Another week (and a half) flew by...
Mainly did some pvp on my Assassin, Ilum can be really fun if there is enough Republics present.
A nice batch of valor make you level up faster to rank 60 :-).

If no-one is there it's kinda boring just collecting armaments and camping their base exit.

While PVP-ing i had plenty of time to switch my professions to Biochemistry, Bio-analysis and Diplomacy.
All but Diplomacy are now leveled to 400 and I got the special stim that's reusable.
I'm trying to get into more hardmode groups for more of the crafting material so I can craft the Adrenal and the Medpac.
Leveling Diplomacy (385) got me to Dark V as well, I might be buying the Dark V mount soon then.
Khem Val at work

In the past week I did one Operation where a new belt. We also tried the Towers of Hannoy boss. We were unable to kill him though that night.

I leveled my agent a bit, got to level 17. She now has her own spaceship.
Need to start on Balmorra now.

Together with a friend, Hazeel, I've started leveling my mercenary. We are level 19 at the moment.
We did some questing on Balmorra already.
With this character having her ship as well, I now got a look at all the Empire spaceships.

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