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Monday, January 9, 2012

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (09/01/12)

Below the weekly overview of the past week. I got to 50 on Saturday so basically 3 RL weeks of leveling

43 finishing off quests on Belsavis.
The story quest of the planet was really cool, you get to free some bad-ass sith dreadmasters.
Once you freed them you get to see them (in a cinematic) in action.
To bad they don't teach you anything though.

Inquisitor on Belsavis (Special mind room)

The Voss planet is next. They are enormously religious.
It has some cool stuff with dreams and nightmares.
I got to level 44.

Got to level 46, strong enough to finish the dream part of the class quest and after that a quick call from Korriban saying my new companion Xalek is ready to join the crew.

The Dreams on Voss

Today I only got to 47. I didn't have that much time to play.

Level 49, now tomorrow I'm finishing it.

Hooray finally 50. I didn't have enough quests to get to 50 on Correlia though. So I pvped a bit till 50.
With Thanathon dead I'm now a member of the Dark Council.

On Sunday I mainly did pvp (warzones + Ilum).
Also did The boarding party flashpoint solo to complete some quests. It's really easy at 50. You don't even need to have the healing companion out the whole time.
I've also started a new character, Kirous, She's an Operative. Got her to level 12. I'll add a screenshot next week.

The Boarding Party

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