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Friday, December 30, 2011

Around the Galaxy 1 - Tatooine

My Inquisitor Curs and Khem Val on Tatooine

Saturday, December 24, 2011

This week on The Ravager (SWTOR) (27/12/11)

Finally SWTOR is released. All set last tuesday to play, 30-45 min queue, got in ... And on character creation disconnected... Another 30 min queue later I finally get to play. I decided to play on The Ravager server.

Character creation of Curs my Sith Inquisitor:
Character Creation
Details are on the right. Handy if I want to recreate the same character.

Small overview of how I progressed.

On my first day I got Khem Val with me and got to level 10. Since I did this already twice on beta it went pretty fast I actually fast forwarded some of the conversations.

I reached level 15, going through Dromund Kaas pretty quickly, since I've done most of that as well.

Level 18 and  i got a Fury starship now in the Hangar. I got R2V8 to do some profession related stuff.
I tried out his healing but he does kinda suck at it. It's best to let him stick to the crafting/missions.

I've reached 21. I started on Nar Shaddaa after this
My arrival at Nar Shaddaa
Level 24 now and I've mostly been focusing on the class quest in order to get the 3rd companion.
Although at first sight he doesn't seem all that useful to me now, while leveling. He's just a ranged dps leaving me to tank. So I quickly had Khem running with me again. He is the romance companion for my class/gender. So it's going to be mostly with gifts I suppose.

28 now, nearing the end of the class story. It's really exciting.

Today I got to the end of chapter one, goodbye Zash! evil b*tch ;-).
This gives me a chance to choose my legacy name, I went with Raivo, it's Finnish for fury. I thought it had a nice ring to it.
I ended up being 31 by the end of the first week.

Flying around on Alderaan

I'm writing this during the maintenance of SWTOR. There is currently no ETA so I don't know if I'll be playing tonight

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (18/12/11)

Well can't say much on Outland as I wasn't there for most of the week. I had a ski holiday with no internet connection, so not much playing WoW.

Yesterday I went to buy Star Wars The Old Republic. So yes, I'll be playing this game now I still have some gametime on my WoW account but mainly I'll be posting about SWTOR. And although it's released on 15th December, it's only playable the 20th. So 2 more days before I can make my evil Sith Assassin.
Also while setting up my account I noticed you need an active subscription or enter a gamecard code in order to play. I'll head out again to the shop tomorrow for a gamecard.

A friend is playing on The Ravager at the moment so most likely I'll go there as well.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (11/12/11)

Today The Cursed got to level 20. The daily cap is now gone onward to the 25.
The Cursed level 20
 Earlier this week we had another achievement: Well of Eternity Guild run.
The Cursed: Well of Eternity Guild run
I did the new boss, Azibal, in Baradin Hold on my Death Knight, pretty easy fight. Not much special about it just another tank & spank fight and get out of the whirlwind.
No interesting drops.
I also did the second part of the Dragon Soul raid on my Death Knight with the raidfinder. Terrible... Moonkin druids needing on a strength trinket...
Anyway I got to see the content I suppose.
Death Knight at the end of Madness of Deathwing fight.
I did a normal run on my Shaman with Ättestupan in Dragon Soul. Got a pair of new gloves. Warlord Zon'ozz seemed to hard for our poorly geared alts. Guess we got some gearing up to do first.

In other news: Swtor will be released on 15th December, instead of 20th in Europe so I'll get that a bit earlier :-).
Also the server names should be published tomorrow.

Monday, December 5, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (05/12/11)

What a week.., as said in an earlier post 4.3 is live.

I did the raidfinder part one on my Death Knight, had to do it in 2 times.
First time the first 2 bosses, Morchok and Warlord Zon'ozz. They were really easy, but they did say it would be on Baradin's Hold level. Unfortunately no interesting loot for me.
The second time I went I had to redo Morchok and Warlord Zon'ozz, and of course now 2 tier tokens drop... I've also noticed a lot of people had to pass on the loot because they already killed it once (you can only get loot from a boss once), so it might be interesting to do it later on the week as more people will have to pass.
The third and fourth, Yor'sahj the Unsleeping and Hagara the Stormbinder require some more coordination.
On Yor'sahj the Unsleeping you got know what oozes you got to kill first and the whole PUG raid got to do it. On Hagara the Stormbinder there is something with lighting that you have to move it over to 4 different points, the raid needs cooperate in a descent way so it jumps from 1 person to another. We did have to redo the lighting part a couple of times on the second occurring because some people screwed up. No intresting loot from these 2 either.
I might record these fights next week if I don't forget it.

Yesterday, Sunday, I got asked by a friend to join in for Madness of Deathwing on a normal raid (hence this post on Monday). This is the last boss. We got close on the 4th arm, but we didn't get there unfortunately.
DPSing one of the arms here, Deathwing on the right.
Madness of Deathwing
As you might have noticed on the screenshot I switched out my Tier10 Shoulders for the new healing ones from the dungeons. I'm now going for the dungeon "set". I read yesterday that the gloves are missing for the healing set so I might go with the tanking. Also I've missed out on the boots because of a quest reward I took the most valuable one, not looking at the items really...

I also got 2 swords,Treachery's Bite from the new dungeons (probably the only 2 intresting drops for my DPS set). Got some Tanking upgrades as well.

On my Druid I decided to quit feral and go boomkin to eventually evolve to resto. I did a couple of the new heroics on this one aswell. DPS is rather low :-(. Also I tried to heal one, we made it but it was quite tense, I'm going to gear up some more before doing it again.

The Cursed guild got a new achievement Profit Sharing
The Cursed Profit Sharing

The auction lite addon got fixed so easy AH post again.
The idols and scarabs market seems to have collapsed on the Alliance side, where I could make some descent profit before. I think I'll hold off a bit for now, less people will farm it in the future and the items might become in higher demand again.

The gem demand on the other hand is going through the roof. I must have made around 15k gold combined on Death Knight and Druid. With all sorts of gems also the small green quality ones are selling good. Especially the red one going for 40g a piece.