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Monday, November 28, 2011

Star Wars The Old Republic Second Beta Weekend

Hooray! There has been another Star Wars The Old Republic beta weekend, and it's been a bit longer than the  previous one.  Starting on Friday 17:00 and ending tonight at 19:00.

My previous experience and first impression can be found here.

I've mainly been playing a Jedi Shadow this time. I wanted to see The Republic side this time, how it differs from the Empire.
Also played a Sith Assassin to compare.
In the end I like the empire side more. The more darker options are fun, instead of all those diplomacy solutions.

Also between the Jedi Shadow and Sith Assassin, certain spell got different animations/names.
As Jedi Shadow you throw rocks (and other objects) and do some mind tricks. The Sith Assassin uses Lighting to do those things, which in my opinion look way cooler.

But to see as much of the Galactic Republic I stuck to leveling the Jedi Shadow as much as possible and I reached level 20,5.

I enjoyed playing the Sith Assassin/Jedi Shadow more than the Sith Marauder so I guess I'll be starting with a Sith Assassin at launch.
This class really rocks in Warzones, nice burst, stealth, sprint and a knock back ability (which is awesome in Huttball on the bridges)
The MVP votes on the Warzones seems a bit off though. It doesn't really count how much you did for an objective. And most people seem to voted based on damage/healing/kills. In this way you basically will ignore the objective then? I hope this gets changed though.

I took some screenshots this time. The ingame screenshot maker didn't seem to work, or well I didn't find the files. So i had to paste in paint every time.

My young Jedi Consular in front of the First Jedi Temple on Tython

Taking a Taxi on Corrusant

A Speeder, hopefully is this one available for players aswell. It looks awesome

View from the Correlian Defender on the fleet.

Arrived on planet Taris, I didn't quest here much but it does look like a cool planet

Close up of my Jedi Shadow in conversation.

Jedi Shadow in the Hammer Station Flashpoint.

Jedi Shadow in The Republic Fleet zone. Waiting for warzones. (Hoping for Huttball)

Sith Assassin performing the Ritual right before you get the Companion

Sith Assassin in the Black Talon Flashpoint (towards the end)

Sith Marauder of previous beta, I didn't play her much this weekend.

Sith Marauder on Tatooine.

Sith Marauder together with Vette on Tatooine with some view.

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