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Sunday, November 20, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (20/11/11)

Not much has been done in the past week. Having some real life stuff going on it was rather calm in WoW.

The Cursed got as expected to level 19.Onto level 20 and no daily limitations anymore.
I won't get to level 25 before the end of the year though as I first hoped.

Today started the 7th anniversary weekend of WoW, getting some extra xp and rep is nice.
So I decided to do a couple of levels on my Mage. I got to level 75 now.

WoW 7th Anniversary

I did an AQ40 and AQ20 run on my Death Knight. Filling in my stock of Idols and Scarabs.
I also got the classic raider achievement, AQ40 seemed to be my last one.

Next week there is another Star Wars: The Old Republic beta. I'll probably try out a Jedi Shadow this time.
The NDA is lifted a couple of days ago, so next week I might add in some screenshots.

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