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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (01/11/11) Midweek part

With Halloween I got 2 extra days off, I had some extra time in WoW as well. So I've decided to add an extra post.

On Monday

I joined an icc 25 hc hoping to finish off the infusion quests on my Death Knight... I got close but no cigar :'(.
Had 2 attempts, first try all went pretty will had 3 bites but it ended in chaos and some mindcontrols.
The second try some people had trouble holding off their dps and I didn't get bitten first and we killed it to quick this time, I only had time to bite 2 people. So better luck next time I guess.

Luckily it wasn't all in vain. I got Scourgeborne Waraxe and Bracers of Dark Reckoning for transmogrification.
This means I've got my wanted axe for transmogrification (as said in this post).

Not only did I get those two items for transmogrification, I also was able to finish of the Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player). So now i have a nice Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher mount.
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
In the evening I did some raids with Ättestupan.
On my Death Knight I did Baleroc, Majordomo Fandral Staghelm (heroic!) and Ragnaros.

Majordomo Fandral Staghelm (heroic!)
And to finish we did another Ragnaros kill on the alts, on which I came with my shaman.
I got a nice helm, Erupting Volcanic Helmet, which looks fancy aswell:
Erupting Volcanic Helmet

Today (Tuesday)

Today was rather a lazy day. I did Karazhan this morning on my Death Knight. I really like the instance, the whole setting. I was unable to do chess as Medivh cheats to much ;-) and I wasn't that lucky with his cheats.

On with the show
Audience Pov
 In the afternoon I did some Zandalari heroics on my Warlock.

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