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Sunday, November 6, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (06/11/11)

It was rather a calm week. On Wednesday I pugged Firelands on my Death Knight rather smooth run, struggled a bit on Ragnaros. Unfortunately no interesting drops for me.
I did got enough Valor Points this week to buy my 4th piece of Tier 12.

I did some heroics on my Warlock improving my gear a bit. I think I can start doing some raids soon on this one.

I got finally on the PTR but can't transfer my own characters only some premades :(. Not that interesting in terms of transmogrification.
I just read that the Darkmoon Faire got onto the PTR now as well. I might have a look at that next weekend.

A guildie from The Cursed was searching for some quest in Mount Hyjal that he couldn't find so he decided to put himself on live stream so we could help him look and explain. Pretty cool, so with his help I decided to look how I could setup a live stream myself. I didn't totally manage it to do, first the quality was bad then it only had a small corner of my screen as stream... I'll definitively look into it get a running in a descent way. I'll make some guide post about it then.

Late Sunday night The Cursed got to level 18. Also got an new achievement, very hard one...
Ragefire Chasm guild run:
Ragefire Chasm guild run
Last couple days i was through my stock of gems on both my Jewelcrafters (Death Knight and Druid). So I was checking the AH a bit for elementium ore and prices were kinda high, 1g70 - 2g+ a piece, I usually wanna stay under the 1g50 mark.
Now Sunday morning I was checking again and noticed 75 stacks at 79s a piece. So I bought them all out.
Friend asked me to do some heroics with them so I relogged, but he had to go afk for a couple minutes. So I checked the auction house again, 312 Stacks at 79s. I got to buy out most of them.

In the afternoon I spend over an hour just prospecting the ores.
Gems... Lots of gems

+- Investment: 5600g

I wonder how much I'll get out of it but I'm guessing it wont be disappointing ;-)

Return on the first day: 6000g

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