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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Patch 4.3 Hour of Twilight is live! go go Transmogrification!

Today patch 4.3 Hour of Twilight, hits the servers.


I logged in my Death Knight as soon as I got home to get my transmogrification done a.s.a.p.
As said in this post, I would now go for the Tier 10. I didn't have a belt and boots ready so I took those of the Death Knight's starter set.

Death Knight Transmogrification Tier 10
Then looking at the AH for the rest of my gems I got left over from my big buy in.
Unfortunately my AuctionLite Addon is a big buggy. I have to manually search every item before posting it.
And the AH seems really slow on searching and posting, making it even a bigger pain in the ass.

A small overview of my most intresting post on Transmogrification:
1h swords sheathed on back
1h axes sheathed on back
The Wowhead tool
And Others

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