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Friday, November 25, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (25/11/11)

This weekend another Star Wars The Old Republic beta. This time starting at a reasonable hour on Friday :-).
That being said I won't play much WoW this weekend, so I thought I'd wrap it up already for this week.

I did a Firelands run this week on Death Knight with Elysium (I'm a social in this guild). It's been a while since I raided again, We simply cleared it on normal.
No loot for me though, I guess i won't get those BOE trash axes. And with the next patch just around the corner I don't think it will make much difference anyway.

The Cursed got 2 new achievements this week:

A Class Act
 I'm surprised we didn't get this one sooner. We've been missing a rogue for a very long time.

That's a Lot of Turn Ins

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