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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mists of Pandaria - Blizzcon 2011 - Panda's & Monks

Woot new expansion announced. No surprise it's with the panda's though.

Pandaren Racials:
  • Bouncy: reduces fall damage by half.
    Seems nice in some situations but don't think it will matter that much in raiding circumstances
  • Inner peace: double rested XP.
    Cool while leveling but useless at max level?
  • Gourmand: +15 to cooking.
    Will this matter in the end?
  • Epicurean: double stats to food buffs.
    This one does sound awesome
  • Quaking Palm: You touch a secret pressure point on an enemy target, putting it to sleep for 3 sec.
    Could be nice in pvp to "interrupt" some cast and leaving out a healer for a couple of seconds

Monk New Class
  • Brewmaster - Tank spec
  • Mistweaver - Healer, a healer who can stand up in melee and will let players experience a "new healing style"
  • Windwalker - Melee DPS
  • This is not a hero class, and it will start at level 1
  • The class is very martial-arts based
  • Lots of monk-only animations, the healer and tanks will have different stances they can stand in, etc ...
  • Monk Races - All of them except Goblin and Worgens
Monk Equipment
  • Leather Armor (Agility or Intellect)
  • They hit a lot with hands and feet
  • They will need weapons for some finishers: Staves, Fist Weapons
  • They will also be able to use 1H Axe and maces, swords
  • Healers will get off-hands, they don't want healers to use shields.

Monk Resources
  • Chi (energy) slowly regenerates and is only used for your Jab and Roll abilities.
  • Jab generates Light and Dark force, which are used for everything else. Some finishing move uses dark force, some use the light force.
  • No auto attack! Devs want you to have this street fighter feel where you punch a lot

Pandaren Monk

The Mistweaver healer part looks really cool.
With the leather armor and 3 roles it does seem to look a bit like a druid on first sight, I really hope they can differentiate here. It does have new resources, looking forward to test those out.
And no auto attack -> loads of  keyboard smashing :P ?
I do hope they add more character slots as I'm currently full on Outland.

They released 2 nice looking video's.
Pandaren preview

Zones preview

I do not cover all changes and new things in my posts, just the things i wish the share and/or comment on.
For all news about Blizzcon & Mists of Pandaria checkout:

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