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Sunday, October 30, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (30/10/11)

The Cursed got to level 17. I've created a new logo for the guild as well, time for some renewing. It looks a bit like batman ;-).
Guild Page with new The Cursed tabard

As said in one of my previous posts i would finish off leveling my Warrior. And it done:
Kaylo, Warrior level 85
Warsong Gulch sucked to level in so i quested a bit in Twilight highlands.
Now 2 characters/classes left to get the 85. My Mage 71 and my Rogue 82.

The past week I noticed a couple of glitches in World of Warcraft.
- While i leveling in Twilight highlands i noticed some weird named chairs.
Weird chair names.
- When you use the Faded Wizard Hat and it's another gender costume, the armory will not show the costume but the costume's gender. My Mage is a female troll. I had a blood elf male costume on.
Female Troll with Faded Wizard Hat costume
By this I got reminded with the existence of this hat and decided to get it for my Death Knight aswell.

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