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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Transmogrification for my Paladin

I think paladins got a couple of nice sets and some of them might get very popular which will make them unfortunately not very unique.

My choices below:
Tier 2: Judgement
Tier 6: Lightbringer
Tier 10: Lightsworn Sanctified Heroic
Tier 10: Lightsworn Sanctified
I think Tier 2, Judgement, will be to popular to actually enjoy it. Tier 6, Lightbringer, looks again very nice.
This one might be very popular aswell.
The Lightsworn Sanctified Heroic version looks best. I posted an image of the Lightsworn Sanctified version aswell as I currently have that one.
I might put in some ICC 25 heroics to get the upgrades.

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