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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Transmogrification for my Warlock

While it isn't easy for me to choose between 2 sets for my shaman, I feel it's even harder for my warlock.
I raided much longer/more tiers with my lock and i generally really like the sets.

Tier1: Felheart
The options:
My first option is also the first tier set, the Felheart set.
It's the first raiding set, and who doesn't have great memories to his or her first raiding experience.
Even now people still farm MC, mostly for legendaries though but still its a fun place.

Tier2: Nemesis

My second option would be Nemesis, tier 2.
I really liked the heads on the shoulders and with the green and purple colors it really looked like a warlock set (all of my choices do)

Tier 5: Corrupter

My next option is the Corrupter set. I looks really cool with the spikes and the skull on it on the shoulders.
Another cool thing is that it has a sword, Tempest of Chaos, that goes with it.
More on weapons below.

Tier 6: Malefic

 My last option from my raiding past with my warlock is the Malefic set.
It looks really cool with the wings and all too bad they disappear and they don't flap all that offten.

I currently have Tier 1 and Tier 6 in my bank. Unfortunately i deleted/sold the other 2 sets.
I think I'm going to start with the Felheart set for now, but I'd really like to obtain the Corruptor set.

As for the weapons my warlock is pretty much the only one I immediately decided what to take.
As staff I want: Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer

And as sword I like: Tempest of Chaos

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