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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Patch 4.3 Hour of Twilight is live! go go Transmogrification!

Today patch 4.3 Hour of Twilight, hits the servers.


I logged in my Death Knight as soon as I got home to get my transmogrification done a.s.a.p.
As said in this post, I would now go for the Tier 10. I didn't have a belt and boots ready so I took those of the Death Knight's starter set.

Death Knight Transmogrification Tier 10
Then looking at the AH for the rest of my gems I got left over from my big buy in.
Unfortunately my AuctionLite Addon is a big buggy. I have to manually search every item before posting it.
And the AH seems really slow on searching and posting, making it even a bigger pain in the ass.

A small overview of my most intresting post on Transmogrification:
1h swords sheathed on back
1h axes sheathed on back
The Wowhead tool
And Others

Monday, November 28, 2011

Star Wars The Old Republic Second Beta Weekend

Hooray! There has been another Star Wars The Old Republic beta weekend, and it's been a bit longer than the  previous one.  Starting on Friday 17:00 and ending tonight at 19:00.

My previous experience and first impression can be found here.

I've mainly been playing a Jedi Shadow this time. I wanted to see The Republic side this time, how it differs from the Empire.
Also played a Sith Assassin to compare.
In the end I like the empire side more. The more darker options are fun, instead of all those diplomacy solutions.

Also between the Jedi Shadow and Sith Assassin, certain spell got different animations/names.
As Jedi Shadow you throw rocks (and other objects) and do some mind tricks. The Sith Assassin uses Lighting to do those things, which in my opinion look way cooler.

But to see as much of the Galactic Republic I stuck to leveling the Jedi Shadow as much as possible and I reached level 20,5.

I enjoyed playing the Sith Assassin/Jedi Shadow more than the Sith Marauder so I guess I'll be starting with a Sith Assassin at launch.
This class really rocks in Warzones, nice burst, stealth, sprint and a knock back ability (which is awesome in Huttball on the bridges)
The MVP votes on the Warzones seems a bit off though. It doesn't really count how much you did for an objective. And most people seem to voted based on damage/healing/kills. In this way you basically will ignore the objective then? I hope this gets changed though.

I took some screenshots this time. The ingame screenshot maker didn't seem to work, or well I didn't find the files. So i had to paste in paint every time.

My young Jedi Consular in front of the First Jedi Temple on Tython

Taking a Taxi on Corrusant

A Speeder, hopefully is this one available for players aswell. It looks awesome

View from the Correlian Defender on the fleet.

Arrived on planet Taris, I didn't quest here much but it does look like a cool planet

Close up of my Jedi Shadow in conversation.

Jedi Shadow in the Hammer Station Flashpoint.

Jedi Shadow in The Republic Fleet zone. Waiting for warzones. (Hoping for Huttball)

Sith Assassin performing the Ritual right before you get the Companion

Sith Assassin in the Black Talon Flashpoint (towards the end)

Sith Marauder of previous beta, I didn't play her much this weekend.

Sith Marauder on Tatooine.

Sith Marauder together with Vette on Tatooine with some view.

Friday, November 25, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (25/11/11)

This weekend another Star Wars The Old Republic beta. This time starting at a reasonable hour on Friday :-).
That being said I won't play much WoW this weekend, so I thought I'd wrap it up already for this week.

I did a Firelands run this week on Death Knight with Elysium (I'm a social in this guild). It's been a while since I raided again, We simply cleared it on normal.
No loot for me though, I guess i won't get those BOE trash axes. And with the next patch just around the corner I don't think it will make much difference anyway.

The Cursed got 2 new achievements this week:

A Class Act
 I'm surprised we didn't get this one sooner. We've been missing a rogue for a very long time.

That's a Lot of Turn Ins

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (20/11/11)

Not much has been done in the past week. Having some real life stuff going on it was rather calm in WoW.

The Cursed got as expected to level 19.Onto level 20 and no daily limitations anymore.
I won't get to level 25 before the end of the year though as I first hoped.

Today started the 7th anniversary weekend of WoW, getting some extra xp and rep is nice.
So I decided to do a couple of levels on my Mage. I got to level 75 now.

WoW 7th Anniversary

I did an AQ40 and AQ20 run on my Death Knight. Filling in my stock of Idols and Scarabs.
I also got the classic raider achievement, AQ40 seemed to be my last one.

Next week there is another Star Wars: The Old Republic beta. I'll probably try out a Jedi Shadow this time.
The NDA is lifted a couple of days ago, so next week I might add in some screenshots.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Star Wars The Old Republic Beta Weekend

Normally I wouldn't write much about other games (... well mainly because I only play WoW at the moment) but I enjoyed playing the Beta of Star Wars The Old Republic last weekend.

I decided to play a Sith Marauder, turning evil etc ... and they have the coolest ship.
Sith Marauders' Fury ship
You start out with some normal weapons and after a while you get lightsabers.
At around level 10, It depends on your pace of doing your class quests, you get to choose your specialization
Being a Marauder gave me 2 => Double awesomeness.

The loads of stories make this game really cool but sometimes tedious. Especially on group quests where you already had the talk several times. A way to speed such things up and make your conversation choices faster would be nice in such cases.

Another thing that could be better is the long distances of travel on foot. At a certain level you get Sprint that allows you to run faster out of combat but sometimes its still a long run having mounts a bit earlier would be nice in my opinion.

One of the starter gloves did bug out and seem to form some graphical bug, which annoyed me that much that i just equipped the item. It didn't occur on any other gloves though.
Other bugs i encounter was that my weapons fully or sometimes partially were no longer visible. My companion had this problem as well. Her guns weren't showing and she was blasting stuff from thin air.

At around level 15 you get your starship then. It allows you to travel to different planets, which basically some animation and then a loadscreen.
It also allows you to participate in some space battles, But it's rather limited in my opinion.
You fly on a set route and you can only fly for yourself to dodge a rock, which you cant actually decide on which of the rock you want to go to dodge it.
This feels really like a small arcade game and could have been so much more. Like a huge pvp battle between factions.
Even in the early Star Wars games, like Star Wars Rogue Squadron you could fly a lot more freely.
I was actually hoping to see this kind of space combat in Star Wars The Old Republic.

The companion/crew part is really cool as well no more boring looking around for materials just send out the crew that you have to micromanage. They gather for you, they craft for you, some of them sell your gray items, which helps a lot on full bags.
More importantly they are a nice asset to go into combat with. They do their role in a descent way, I had a ranged dps companion, but I saw a tank and healer companion as well and they seem to do it properly.
I did had some bug with my companions once I had 2, If I used my droid (second crew member) for an assignment I was unable to do let my other companion do an assignment, It simply said it was already busy.

I did some dungeons as well. The first was rather easy probably because of most of the group out leveling it.
I soloed most of it at first, with my companion of course, but the end boss was to hard to solo.
The second dungeon was a lot harder. The first boss in there was pretty easy but the second one took us a couple of wipes and the fights are considerably longer than in WoW, not a bad thing in my opinion, the fight was a lot more tense and this for only a second dungeon. The bigger satisfaction afterwards ofc.
We were unable to kill the third boss because our healer had to go (we spend almost 2 hours there), but we got close it also another learning fight that has to executed almost perfectly. We were a bit low on level though. It was recommended 1 level higher than our average level.
Having those wipes made me noticed how big those places are on running back. I sure hope they add some sort of teleporters.

The pvp part of the game seemed really balanced and with some form of normalization in battlegrounds helps a lot as well I suppose.
The battleground I joined had several levels of ground and I could easily jump between them with my Force Leap, no path issues like with the WoW Warrior's heroic leap.

Monday, November 14, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (14/11/11)

My weekly post about what I've done in World of Warcraft for the past week has been postponed for a day.
I had an Star Wars: The Old Republic weekend beta invite so i played mostly that in the weekend.

Last week I mentioned I bought a lot of elementium ore for a very low price so I got some nice profit making.
One week has passed and I made an additional profit of 2200 gold. So total balance is now + 2600 gold.
I still have a lot of gems but with the news of Season 10 ending on November 29th I decided to stop making more gems and take a bit slower until next patch his as the gems will presumably go up then.

Other than that I had another run in Firelands on my Death Knight with Ättestupan. Went pretty smooth, no loot though.

With the patch coming in I decided not to go with the judgement recolor set as earlier said for my Death Knight.
Looking at what I have right now it will be the starter set or the Tier 10 set Sanctified Scourgelord's Battlegear.

Sanctified Scourgelord's Battlegear

The Cursed is closing in on level 19 but I think it'll be for next week's post. We might get some more achievement by the end of next (actually already this) week.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Transmogrification tool by Wowhead

Wowhead introducted a nice new transmogrification tool. It shows all the sets that match your class/armor type.
The screenshots were all taken by default on a human female model. However, if you would like to see it on a different model or from another angle, simply click on set's page and click the "View in 3-D" button on the top. You can change the options in the new pop-up window for race and gender.

Wowhead Transmog Search Tool

I think are some minor bugs still in it. Selecting usable by Death Knight gave me the Dreadnaught's Battlegear set, which is a warrior set of course. Also this set isn't available anymore, however it's still an option for the warriors who saved this set from the old Naxxramas.

Announcement on the Wowhead new site: New Site Feature: Transmogrification Sets
The search tool itself: Transmog Sets

Sunday, November 6, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (06/11/11)

It was rather a calm week. On Wednesday I pugged Firelands on my Death Knight rather smooth run, struggled a bit on Ragnaros. Unfortunately no interesting drops for me.
I did got enough Valor Points this week to buy my 4th piece of Tier 12.

I did some heroics on my Warlock improving my gear a bit. I think I can start doing some raids soon on this one.

I got finally on the PTR but can't transfer my own characters only some premades :(. Not that interesting in terms of transmogrification.
I just read that the Darkmoon Faire got onto the PTR now as well. I might have a look at that next weekend.

A guildie from The Cursed was searching for some quest in Mount Hyjal that he couldn't find so he decided to put himself on live stream so we could help him look and explain. Pretty cool, so with his help I decided to look how I could setup a live stream myself. I didn't totally manage it to do, first the quality was bad then it only had a small corner of my screen as stream... I'll definitively look into it get a running in a descent way. I'll make some guide post about it then.

Late Sunday night The Cursed got to level 18. Also got an new achievement, very hard one...
Ragefire Chasm guild run:
Ragefire Chasm guild run
Last couple days i was through my stock of gems on both my Jewelcrafters (Death Knight and Druid). So I was checking the AH a bit for elementium ore and prices were kinda high, 1g70 - 2g+ a piece, I usually wanna stay under the 1g50 mark.
Now Sunday morning I was checking again and noticed 75 stacks at 79s a piece. So I bought them all out.
Friend asked me to do some heroics with them so I relogged, but he had to go afk for a couple minutes. So I checked the auction house again, 312 Stacks at 79s. I got to buy out most of them.

In the afternoon I spend over an hour just prospecting the ores.
Gems... Lots of gems

+- Investment: 5600g

I wonder how much I'll get out of it but I'm guessing it wont be disappointing ;-)

Return on the first day: 6000g

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Addon Panda

Couple of days ago i bought a lot of Elementium ore to prospect. I didn't really want to click hundreds of times to prospect so I went looking for some addon to help me prospect and found Panda.

It still requires you to click but only in one spot no targeting in your bag or anything.

It should also work for Enchanting, Inscription, Alchemy and Cooking. I haven't tried those yet though.

Next to the type of ore you see the blue quality gems that come out of it. With additional info on how much they are worth in the AH and how many you have in your bags.

Panda Addon
Link to curse: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/panda

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This week on Outland with Curs (01/11/11) Midweek part

With Halloween I got 2 extra days off, I had some extra time in WoW as well. So I've decided to add an extra post.

On Monday

I joined an icc 25 hc hoping to finish off the infusion quests on my Death Knight... I got close but no cigar :'(.
Had 2 attempts, first try all went pretty will had 3 bites but it ended in chaos and some mindcontrols.
The second try some people had trouble holding off their dps and I didn't get bitten first and we killed it to quick this time, I only had time to bite 2 people. So better luck next time I guess.

Luckily it wasn't all in vain. I got Scourgeborne Waraxe and Bracers of Dark Reckoning for transmogrification.
This means I've got my wanted axe for transmogrification (as said in this post).

Not only did I get those two items for transmogrification, I also was able to finish of the Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player). So now i have a nice Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher mount.
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
In the evening I did some raids with Ättestupan.
On my Death Knight I did Baleroc, Majordomo Fandral Staghelm (heroic!) and Ragnaros.

Majordomo Fandral Staghelm (heroic!)
And to finish we did another Ragnaros kill on the alts, on which I came with my shaman.
I got a nice helm, Erupting Volcanic Helmet, which looks fancy aswell:
Erupting Volcanic Helmet

Today (Tuesday)

Today was rather a lazy day. I did Karazhan this morning on my Death Knight. I really like the instance, the whole setting. I was unable to do chess as Medivh cheats to much ;-) and I wasn't that lucky with his cheats.

On with the show
Audience Pov
 In the afternoon I did some Zandalari heroics on my Warlock.